Scenes from a Friday Afternoon

I have neglected this blog way too much this winter. I cringed when I saw that my last post was in December. In an effort to prevent this from happening ever again, I'm committing to a more organized posting schedule that will including personal photos, client work, and tips and videos to let you inside my process. I want this blog to a mode of sharing my own family photographs and client work, thoughts and ideas to inspire you in your own photography, and having a conversation with you about the process. I know this is ridiculously vague, but it will hopefully become clearer to both of us in the coming weeks.

For now, I'm going to go ahead and post what I have. I'm not going to wait around for perfect, or the time to write something thoughtful or clever. It may never happen. I took these photographs of my daughters on Friday afternoon between 4:30 and 5:30. The day was a stunning 71 degrees in February, with blue skies. The sun was starting to set by the side of our house, through the trees you see reflected into the window in the first photograph below. The light was stunning and as you go through the photographs, you can see how it changes so quickly within the course of an hour. 
