365 Photograph-A-Day Project : Days 61-70

Now that things are slowly returning to normal around here, in that the kids have been in school full time for several days now, without snow or other incident, I'm working on catching up on my 365 project. With this post, we are up to date through yesterday!  Here goes:

Day 61:  Swirl

I stumbled upon the two oldest girls in the tub wearing their swimsuits and likely up to no good. Playing around in Photoshop is probably one of my favorite things to do, and taking my inspiration from the incomparable Kate T. Parker's image, I played around with blur and textures to this fun result.


Day 62:


This was some Off Camera Flash practice while actings as a student to this awesome "teacher" during a typical game of school.

Day 63:


I call this imperfectly perfect…and I love it! Day 64:

Some days you get in, get the safe and easy shot, and get out. For anyone who doesn't know what I mean, put a kid close to a window (the closer the better) and use the lines of the frame to add some depth. Then ask your kids to tell you what they see or suggest they look for something. The recipe for a great shot every time.


Day 65:

My husband, just arriving home from work.


Day 66:

A quick Saturday morning run to the pediatrician for a diagnosis of the lip licker dermatitis resulting in a wicked case of chapped lips.


Day 67:


A visit from the most beautiful baby I've ever seen.

Day 68:


My little bunny, hamming it up!

Day 69:


Waiting in the rain for the big kids to come home. Day 70 :


Spring is a com in'.