6 Tips for Easy & Awesome Back to School Photos

6 Tips for Easy and Awesome Back-to-School Photos

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We all want to capture the perfect back-to-school photographs of our little (and not-so-little) ones heading out the door on their first day of school. Here are a few tips to making this year's photographs the best yet!

1.  Plan Ahead--If a beautiful headshot is what you're after, consider shooting before the big event! The first morning is filled with energy and excitement, and kids are much less likely to cooperate. Plan a time before the big day and motivate your child by allowing her to wear her new dress or carry her backpack for the first time! 

2.  Find the Right Spot--Great light is almost always found in your doorway. Have your child sit or stand just under the door frame. If you have a covered porch, ask your child to sit or stand just under the edge where he is covered from above but the light hits them perfectly. 

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3.  Include All the Important People--Include siblings, friends, grandparents, bus drivers, and teachers in the photos! These are the faces that lend context to your photographs and who your child will enjoy seeing in the photos many years from now.

4.  Capture the Details--Don't forget to capture the little details that make both this day and your child special. This might be the perfectly packed lunch for your picky eater, the new sweater she HAD TO WEAR despite the fact that it is going to be 95 degrees, or the perfect pencil case that took an hour to pick out. 


5. Look for the Moments--Moments are what make photographs. In the image above, the bus driver's caring glance at my daughter perfectly tells the story of his kindness and its affect on her difficult transition to kindergarten last year. Greeting friends, hugs goodbye, or a final glance back towards mom as a child enters the school building are all common moments. Be patient and wait for them. If you know what you're looking for and are patient, chances are you will capture it!

6. Get in the Frame--Hand off your camera or phone to a neighbor or use the timer to get in the frame with your child. This day is about you, too! (Stay tuned...I'm determined to get one with me in the frame this year!