FREE GUIDE: The Lifesaver's Guide to Storing and Preserving Your Family's Digital Photographs

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Did you know that according to the #13 thing today's moms have to worry about that the prior generation's moms didn't is backing up baby photos?! Seriously, #13 out of 20 in 2019?

No kidding! 

Even (ahem) older moms like me can run into trouble. Just this week I had to dig through a big box of printed photos for a baby photo of my 3rd daughter, age 10, that was requested by her school yearbook to celebrate her 5th grade graduation. 

The good news for all of us, me included, is that I've tackled this problem for all my digital files and I've created a free PDF for you that tells you exactly how I do it! That way, when your little one needs a baby photo for her 5th grade graduation, you won't have to spend an afternoon digging out an old hard drive, or worse, not be able to find it at all.

Grab your free guide to storing your digital file here:

And if you have any tips of your own, I'd love to hear them!